Thank you for the kind words...
500hr Yoga Teacher
Adam's yoga classes are extremely unique. So often in a class you can feel unprepared or not warmed up enough for a pose but under Adam's guidance you get to every pose at exactly the right time and feel amazing in it. There is no wasted movement; his dexterous sequencing allows you to work up to poses without even realising it. His verbal cues are clear and easy to follow and his adjustments are strong in the right way....he's not going to break or injure you! The class is fun and physically challenging but you also feel a connection to your body and mind. I cannot recommend him more highly and London is lucky to have him!
Materials Engineer
Whilst living in London I regularly attended Adam's classes- Adam never disappointed, each of his classes were unique and well structured. Adam's focus on alignment and attention to detail puts his instruction on another level compared to your average yoga class. Within a few weeks of his classes I began to notice a difference in my own practise, I began to feel poses working which I had previously not fully understood and subsequently carried out incorrectly.
I have recently returned from a week long retreat with Adam in the beautiful Spanish countryside. This was my first yoga retreat of which I enjoyed every minute. Adam taught us for an incredible 3.5 hours each day, all the classes were of high quality, different and tailored to our requests. We also had a number of workshop sessions where we were able to develop our understanding and play with some of the more advanced poses which in itself is quite a unique experience.
I would thoroughly recommend both Adam's classes and retreats, in 7 years of regular yoga practise I have not come across another teacher with Adam's apprehension and creativity! Thanks for everything Adam, keep up the good work :)."
West End Actor
Each week, Adam focuses his classes on a certain part of the body.
The importance of strength and correct alignment are key to his teaching, and as part of the kind or cruel surprise, we never know what body part is going to get the roasting each week!
Adam is very knowledgable, and even though the hour sessions are a very good workout, he is also calm and caring about your practice...which includes reassuring us that getting into a complicated inversion isn't going to change our life dramatically!
Care Sector
I have been attending Adam's classes for almost a year now and I've also gone to two of the workshops he has run in 2017. His understanding, not only of yoga, but also of the human body, becomes apparent as soon as you step into one of Adam's classes. He guides you verbally through the classes, demonstrating only when he wants us to pay attention to something or it is a particularly tricky asana (how else could he carry on teaching with a broken foot?!) This results in a class where you get to explore your body and what it can and cannot do, rather than copying the yoga teacher and trying to replicate what he or she is doing. Adam is much more preoccupied by teaching us how to move safely and respect our bodies than with forcing ourselves to make shapes no matter the consequences. Indeed Adam regularly reminds us to concentrate solely on our own yoga practice and not on our neighbours' and certainly not on the practice we find on Instagram! I have a very busy job where I do a lot of looking after, but coming to Adam's class is my chance to look after myself and know that's precisely what he's doing to. And this has led to me developing a stronger and more self aware yoga practice for which I will be grateful forever. Thank you Adam!
Adam is a truly unique and special yoga instructor. He has taught me in private and group classes and my yoga has become a completely different practice through his guidance. In a world of Instagram and yoga for show, Adam focuses on not only working out the body and pushing you to your limits, but getting to the real route of yoga, the correct postures, the correct adjustments and the breath. Yoga is truly individual for each body and person and Adam is an incredible instructor who guides with great understanding, knowledge and sensitivity through the journey.
Events Manager
'Whether you're a first time yogi retreater or a yoga Jedi, Adam's retreats and teachings are accessible for all. Adam's dedication to alignment and form offers you the chance to rediscover your practice within a non judgmental setting, empowering you to practice honestly and safety. His retreats encourage hard work and mindfulness whilst being harmoniously mixed with belly laughs, good times and fun. Adam has an innate ability to teach yoga as it was intended to be taught and I hugely recommend his teachings/retreats'.
Partner Manager
I got to know Adam for the first time back in winter 2016, when i was about to run my first marathon. Your yoga is nothing like I have ever experienced: it is dynamic, it focuses every single time on a different part of the body, it helps flexibility but also strength, it relaxes but also makes the muscles work. It is the perfect combo between doing sport to keep fit, and take a break to make your mind rest. THANK YOU!
Yoga Teacher
Intelligent, grounded, safe and challenging. Right up my street. Alignment over depth every time.
Yoga Teacher
Adam seriously inspires me and I go to his classes for several reasons - I love a challenge and I definitely get this from them, but they're also creatively sequenced so no one session is ever the same. His anatomical knowlege is next level, meaning I know I'm always in safe hands.
City Worker
If you want to not only do something, but know what you are doing and why you are doing it, he's your guy. You probably wont be asked to go higher, further, deeper but rather do it better.
Strategy Director
I loved the retreat! Adam's classes were perfectly balanced between being challenging and restorative and I left feeling I'd made massive progress in my practise - strength, knowledge, understanding of anatomy and ability to focus. And just as important - the rest of the group were all awesome to hang out with. I came home feeling totally relaxed.
Managing Partner, Linnaeus Capital Partners B.V.
“Having sampled a few yoga instructors in London and elsewhere, I conclude that Adam is one of the best; offering mindful & focused classes with an emphasis on the anatomy of the poses, which leads to a step by step understanding of where the yoga is ultimately headed.
Having enjoyed Adam’s London classes for two years, I took my first ever yoga retreat with him in May 2016 in Spain and did not regret it. The week flew by and by the end I unexpectedly felt both physically and mindfully in a good place.
Adam’s yoga is one of the best antidotes to London life – try it.”
Yoga Teacher
What I like most about Adam is that he is an authentic teacher. As a student you can feel his passion for Yoga and that he really loves to share his personal experience from many years of practicing and teaching. He is real and straight but undogmatic. It’s easy to follow his clear instructions and he always emphasizes in his cues how to practice safely from an anatomical and biomechanical point of view
In workshops he takes the time to explain and demonstrate why he thinks a pose should be carried out in a certain way. He runs you through the different muscles you are able to build with the appropriate approach but also reminds you of the injuries you may receive through misalignment. I really appreciate how many specific and valuable details I could directly transfer into my own practice as well as my teaching.
Fitness and yoga teacher
Adam’s classes are inspirational. You get challenged both physically and anatomically, with the tiniest movements challenging your balance and your mental capacity to smile through the aches you feel everywhere. He makes sure you are challenged, you are aligned, you get anatomic information and just when you don’t think you can do anymore he throws in a really really bad dad joke that still makes you snort with laughter. I love going to Adam’s classes and privileged to say I feel he has become a friend rather than just a teacher
Yoga Teacher
His enthusiasm for yoga is infectious and its already had a transformative effect on my teaching.